Malaysian Muse
Friday, August 10, 2007
  Where is that Merdeka feeling?
As the day of Merdeka approaches, there is a distinct lack of emotion regarding this momentous occasion, which stirred the soul of this nation fifty years ago, promising its people happiness and prosperity if all the ethnic communities work together as one. The newspapers prefer to focus on the historical figures, who contributed their tears, sweat and blood to the nation but curiously shy away from any substantial reportings about the current views of Malaysians. The newspapers seem to shy away from writing about this special moment, this special occasion while paradoxically, the issue of Merdeka and this "disconnect-ness" is embraced and analysed by bloggers.

Is it because the newspapers already sense a certain "disconnect-ness" amongst ordinary Malaysians of all races from the importance of Merdeka? Are they worried about what they would find if they dig a little deeper? Have their political masters decided that any indepth reporting on Malaysians' opinions about Malaysia may be too explosive? Is it apathy that we are seeing out there? Isn't that something we should all be worried about? Am I apathetic? Honestly, I think I am becoming apathetic, numbed by disturbing developments I see all around me. The point is, we should be able to sense that a special day is just around the corner. Instead, the nation is trudging along towards August 31st like a horse wearing blinders.
Hi SP ...

You are not alone in this. Just look around you. How many cars are flying the Jalur Gemilang? Do we have anything nice to say about being a Bangsa Merdeka? It seems like we are going backward.
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